Fennie Kartika Dewi, Tiong Shan Santoso and 10 others have birthdays today
| Help Fennie Kartika Dewi, Tiong Shan Santoso and 10 others celebrate their birthdays Monday, August 22nd Fennie Kartika Dewi Write on her Timeline Tiong Shan Santoso Write on his Timeline Destii Welaceh Write on her Timeline Dodi Yusuf Write on his Timeline Riyand Sheotakmati Write on his Timeline Gendut Ndut Write on his Timeline Galang Rambu Anarki Write on his Timeline Ahong Cool Write on his Timeline JJ Ooi Write on his Timeline Tommy Setiawan Write on his Timeline Hengky Tio Write on his Timeline Sony Wantoyo Write on his Timeline | | | | | | Help Fennie Kartika Dewi, Tiong Shan Santoso and 10 others celebrate their birthdays | | | |
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